Thursday, July 31, 2008

smart car

You may have seen the little smart car a couple of times, you know the small one that looks like a toy car .

Considering the mean time and technology smart cars are considered as a real engineering accomplishment and they are being made by the biggest companies in the world such as Daimler and Mercedes .

Smart cars are built around a high strength steel body designed to evenly distribute the shocks they get , and they have achieved some of the best crash ratings possible .
Impressed ? there is still more , the smart for two comes with interchangeable body panels for color customization and you can practically park any where ! now that is a very cool feature . This car is highly efficient for crazy traffic especially in European cities where parking and maneuverability are huge problems . but that is not all

• the smart for two price strarts around $12,000
• it’s top speed is 90 MPH
• fuel efficiency is 33 city/ 41 high way mpg
• The 2008 smart for two model rated the highest for front and side crashworthiness
• It’s equipped with a 3-cylinder , 1-liter gasoline engine

Here is a video shows how mush this small car can take in an impact

Now you would’ve thought that at a 70 MPH wall hit it will be completely destroyed , but No this thing is engineered to take high shock protection , Don’t get me wrong though I’d not like to be in anything that hits a wall at 70 MPH .

And here is a funny one of a customized smart

Enjoy your smart and drive safe

Read the next review about car bill of sale printable

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